Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Blame, Maim, Complain and How It Impacts Your Finances

money mindset

The following article was written by T. Harv Eker. I can not possibly say this any better than he already does, so here is this life-changing article on money.

Three Things You May Be Doing That Are Preventing You From Becoming Rich

When you’re not doing as well as you want to be doing financially, it’s not the lack of money that’s the problem.

A lack of money is merely a symptom of what’s going on underneath. Being broke is just the result. What’s the root cause?

It’s not the universe’s cruelty. It’s not the economy. It’s not your parents who just didn’t understand, or anyone holding you back.

It’s you. This isn’t about pointing fingers to say how bad you are, or that it’s your fault that you’re in the situation you’re in. It’s not about you being too lazy, or too insufficient, or not enough in any way, shape or form. But it is you who is responsible for working with whatever it is you have to work with to get out of being in the position you’re in.

The only way to permanently change your outer world is to first change your inner world.

Each of us has a blueprint engrained in our subconscious mind for how much we accommodate into our lives. That goes for money, love, friendship, any and all forms of happiness. We do have a say in all of that, like adjusting our own inner thermostat.

It is this blueprint, more than anything else that will determine your financial life.

You can be the best businessperson, negotiator, marketer, salesperson, the best communicator or the best at your job. You can know everything about real estate or stocks.

You can be the best in the world at networking, but if your inner money blueprint is not preset for a high level of success, you will never amass a large amount of money. If by chance you do, you will most likely end up losing it.

So what is your current money thermostat set for? How would you know for sure?

It’s simple. Look at your income.

If you want to create real success, it’s imperative that you believe you are at the steering wheel of your life. You have to believe that you are the one that creates your success, mediocrity and any struggle that you’ve got. You act consciously or unconsciously.

Instead of taking full responsibility for their lot in life, most people play the role of the victim. You can always tell a victim because they leave three indelible clues: blame, maim, and complain.

They blame their type of business, the market, the city, the taxes, the government, their employer or employees, their partner, or that dumb shipping group. Everybody else is to blame. It’s always something or someone else.

Or they cut off their own potential by saying something like, “Money’s not really important.” Let me ask you a question. If you said that your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend wasn’t really important, would they be around for very long? I don’t think so.

If money is not important to you, there’s one thing that we know about you. You don’t have hardly any of it. It’s very simple. Anything that you’ve got has to be important to you, yes or yes? Yet people maim themselves by disowning the importance of what it is that will lead toward greater happiness–often maiming other people in the process along the way because, hey, why not share the un-love?

Then there are the complainers. Complaining is the absolutely worst possible thing you can do for your health or wealth.

What you focus on expands.

When you’re complaining, what are you focusing on? What’s right or what’s wrong with your life? Since what you focus on you get more of, you’re going to get more of what’s wrong with your life. When you’re complaining, you’re actually attracting crap into your life. You become a giant crap-magnet.

I have some homework for you: No blaming, maiming, or complaining for seven full days. It has to be seven full days because you might still have some residual crap coming to you from before. Crap doesn’t travel at the speed of light. It travels at the speed of crap, and it’s really slow, so it could take a while to clear out.

I want you to live by the motto that says, “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

Repeat your motto aloud: “If it is to be, it is up to me.”


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