Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Embracing Your Emotions For Lasting Happiness


Embracing All of Your Emotions

Sometimes we just don’t want to be honest about how we feel. We don’t want to acknowledge that sometimes we feel powerless, uneasy, unworthy, insignificant, rejected, insecure, embarrassed, angry, frustrated and the list goes on.

Its often easier to deny these feelings, to justify them, to rationalize them, to explain them, to come up with explanations for why other people’s behavior is what is wrong instead of facing yourself and understanding other people’s behavior is not why you feel uncomfortable or afraid. It’s you. It is your fears, your beliefs, your discomforts, it is you. We may want to pretend these feelings don’t exist or talk about the physical manifestations that are the RESULT of these feelings as though it is someone else’s fault.

There is a whole host of reasons why people don’t want to face their emotions. Usually it is because the belief that is responsible for the emotion is not an empowering one. People are often afraid of what they will find out about themselves or afraid of what the emotions may mean. They’re afraid of being weak or vulnerable, they feel guilty about how they feel; openness is scary. It’s often easier to be “surface level” than to be raw and honest.

Stop Denying How You Feel

If you really want to live an authentic life, a happy life, a life that is true to you…you have to go deep. You have to open yourself up. It is time to acknowledge your feelings. When you acknowledge what you really feel and what you believe, at that moment you can choose new thoughts and subsequently new emotion. Emotion is simply a tool to provide you feedback. When the feedback feels good, you know your beliefs are in harmony with what you want. When the feedback feels bad, you need to listen to what you’re believing. Until you face it, you keep feeling it.

This is about honestly. It is about authenticity. It is about looking yourself straight in the eye and listening to what you believe about yourself. It is being honest about what your fears really are so that you can move past them.

Only Focusing on Negative Emotion

There are some people who REALLY acknowledge their negative emotion. In fact, that is all they talk about. These people are actually experiencing a version of the same denial. They too are not listening to the emotion and are instead blaming someone else or something else for it instead of going deep and asking what it means and what they can do to change it. What am I afraid of, what am I believing, what can I do to move past this? What am I trying to control outside of myself? Can I instead look inwards and find the answer? The source of your negative emotion is always found within. Once you know what it is and what the feedback is, you can know what, if any, action you need to take.

No matter what has happened or what you have been believing, you can change. You can live a happy and fulfilling life. You can be authentic, you can forgive yourself, you can move past ANY fear. But, you have to be willing to be honest with yourself. You have to believe that emotions are a positive and powerful thing and that being real is the strongest action you can take to live the happiest life possible. Once you are true to you and allow yourself to love you, you are on your way.

Utilize All Emotion as Feedback

So be open to feeling what you feel. Listen to the messages, and then decide to agree or disagree with the story you’ve been telling yourself. You get to write the story you know? So you might want to tell a really great one. One where you are the loving, wonderful, worthy, beautiful being that you are. One where you get to have, be or do anything you have ever wanted. Nothing that has happened to you or that you have ever done is reason enough to prevent you from feeling just how wonderful and worthy you really are.

If you’re ready to go deep…if you’re ready to face your fears and find out who you really are and why you can’t move forward, request your Introductory Coaching Session and begin living your ultimate life now.


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