Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Let Go Of Trying To Control Everything

stop trying to control everything

How much do you feel like you need to control circumstances? Do you think if you control other people you will somehow feel better? Feel safer? Do you think if you control yourself people will like you more? You won’t get hurt? Life won’t hurt you?

Truth is you cannot control anything except the way you feel, and you do that through focused thought. You will not feel better by attempting to control anything outside of you, or even your own behavior, until you shift your emotions and thoughts.

Sometimes we attempt to control things in order to avoid pain. Often this comes after a trauma or some painful life experience. We think if we could have just seen what was coming, known more, been more in control, it never would have happened. When you start trying to control everything you lose sight of true faith. You think you have to know everything, you have to have complete certainty, you start believing change is bad, and the list goes on.

However, the quality of your life really is directly related to how much uncertainty you can comfortable handle-Tony Robbins. This means that if you are living your life trying to control circumstances, people, or yourself, you are living a boring, stressful, unfulfilling life.

Fear of change or not being in control will always lead to stagnation. Life is change. People are changing, circumstances are changing, desires are changing, and if you aren’t going with the flow you will not be as happy or fulfilled as you would otherwise be. Uncertainty is a wonderful thing if you look at it as a type of faith. Many of the best things in life come by surprise, when you aren’t paying attention, when you don’t intentionally make them happen. In your need to control things you lose many of the wonderful things that would otherwise be available to you. You have no faith in yourself or life if you fear a loss of  control.

When you feel really good your thoughts are in alignment with that. That means what comes into your life is also in-line with what you have decided will make you happier and more fulfilled. So instead of trying to control things, people, or yourself to get the life you want, what if you just focused on being happier without the circumstances needing to change first. In other words, become unconditional. What if all you have to do is focus on things that feel good and everything you have ever wanted will easily come into your life. Well guess what…that is the way. True freedom comes when you stop trying to control everything and just allow what you want to flow in.



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