Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


The Comparison Trap


The Comparison Trap.

I’ve done the comparison thing..

I’ve looked around to see how and what other people are doing, how they’re living, what their standards are.

I attempted to use that as my gauge for how I should be living.

If it’s working for them, maybe that’s what I’m supposed to do.

If they’re getting praised for what they do or experiencing success, maybe that’s what I’m supposed to.

Maybe the people I noticed were happy where they were.

But I started to realize that maybe their happy isn’t mine.

Maybe my standards are different.

Maybe where I’m at is different.

Is comparing myself to anyone else potentially limiting?

What if I didn’t need to compare myself to anyone.

What if there isn’t a single person who is the gold standard.

What if it’s simply about letting myself feel my way into my own gold standard.

Other people can be inspiring.T

hey can show us that there’s different ways to do things, that things we want are possible, they can show us the way…But how we do what we do, the specifics…now that’s where the fun comes in.

That’s where the authentic creating comes in.

If you look to anyone else to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing or should be doing…You’re limiting yourself.

Maybe they’re perfectly happy with where they are.

But are their standards and their fun and their likes and dislikes yours?

Standards are personal.

Dreams are unique.

Your ideal day is unique.

Your ideal life is unique.

Comparing can make you feel uncomfortable about what you want if it’s different.

You can feel like you are crazy to want more or that you should want more.

Thing is…there is no one size fits all when it comes to anything.

Every person has unique ideals and dreams and standards.

It’s not about being better than anyone.

No one is more right or wrong.

It’s about being YOU.

No one else is you.

No one has the same mix of values, dreams, talents, understanding, skills, and beliefs as you.

Your world expands when you allow it to become a reflection of YOU.

Do yourself and the world a favor…let yourself be you. And we all need you exactly as you really are?.

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