Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.

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This is the thing that f***s you up in life more than anything else and what to do about it

follow your bliss

What is it that f***s you up on the daily? What causes you to self-sabotage? To settle? To quit? To be miserable? To complain? To never master anything?

It’s the belief that you have to attain your goal before you can be happy! That’s right. It’s the conditions that you have put on happiness, passion, excitement, fun, and every other positive emotion that f***s you. Let me explain how and what to do about it.

Have you ever thought to yourself:

-If only everyone else could understand how to be more accepting (so I don’t have to feel defensive) life would be better.

-I’ll feel comfortable and secure (comfortable/happy/attractive) when I lose weight.

-I’ll have more time (to relax and do what I want/be free)  when the kids are grown.

-I’ll travel (have fun) when I retire.

-If I had a different job I wouldn’t be stressed (I’d be relaxed and happy).

-If I was in a better relationship I would feel loved and be loving and be nicer to that person.

-If I had better friends I wouldn’t be lonely.

-If I made more money I could do what I want and be happy too.

-I don’t have time because I’m too busy (feel like I have to do things).

And the list goes on…. But you get the idea.

So what if I told you that you can feel different before the condition changes? You could feel happy now. Relaxed now. Free now. Secure now. Abundant now.

Emotion comes from thought. What you are thinking is responsible for your emotion.

So if you believe you need XYZ to be happy and you haven’t quite figured out how to get XYZ, you don’t think it’s ok to be happy yet. So you try to sabotage what you really want, settle, quit or try and lower your standards in hopes that you’ll feel better immediately. Or you try anything and everything to get to the condition you think you need, even if the process you think you need to use feels terrible all along the way. So in essence you spend most of your time experiencing shi**y emotions while you hammer out action that sucks in hopes of getting happy eventually.

And when you do change the condition, you either still feel stressed, tired, lonely, insecure, miserable or sad or you go back to those emotions eventually because you haven’t changed how you think! Now you just have a new set of conditions that you think will make feel better and you start all over again still feeling shi**y and making minimal progress.

There is an easier way. A way that feels good all along the way. It is called Get Happy First! Get happy and then take action from there. Get happy and then design a plan. Get happy and then go have the conversation.

How do I get happy? Well you choose to be happy. You decide to be happy now. You are the ruler of your mind so you direct your own thoughts. This takes time, it takes practice, but you CAN DO IT!

So what happens when you choose to be happy before the conditions have changed? The results are quicker, the path feels great, you don’t take shortcuts in hopes of getting happy faster because you’re already happy! You feel appreciation. Life is fun no matter where you are in it.

Some people worry that if they get happy first they will lose their drive, their passion, their desires…That is not a thing. What will happen is that you will start appreciating yourself a whole lot more. You will start appreciating others a whole lot more, because they don’t need to act a certain way for you to be happy. You will start dreaming again. You will set higher standards. And you will make them a reality because you won’t sabotage.


Start by making a list of 10 fun things you want to do. Notice how you start to feel good just by beginning to think and write down fun things? That is how easy it is to shift your emotion.

So go out there and get happy!




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