You deserve to become the you that you have always wanted to be.
Here are 3 things to stop doing now to become the you that you deserve.
1. Beating yourself up for “perceived” failures.
Listen…if you’re not failing, running into problems or f*cking things up on occasion; you’re also not growing, learning, changing or figuring out who you really are.
It’s time to stop beating yourself up for what you believe is failure and instead embrace it as a necessary part of being human, and often the catalyst for real, lasting change.
2. Putting off starting.
“I’ll start tomorrow, next week, let me try this first, I need to X before I can really Y.”
Every day that you avoid doing what you know you want to do is a day you are sacrificing your dreams and settling for half-assed emotional states.
When you have decided you want to do something or you’ve decided you need to, you can’t go backwards.
That desire isn’t going anywhere.
Each day you don’t move in the direction of what you want is a day you spend feeling the negative emotional effects of not letting yourself go.
3. Telling bullshit stories about your capabilities.
“This is just how I am,” “I always do this,” “I’ve tried this before and it didn’t work.”
Ummmm and??
How it’s been, who you’ve been, and how it turned out has nothing to do with what you want now, where you’re going, and how well it’s going to work out this time.
How about you give yourself the credit you deserve, own that you CAN change if that’s what you want, and start looking at how capable you really are.
If you want it, it doesn’t matter how it turned out before.
Today is a new day, you’re in a new place, and you absolutely can.
Just embrace the solution that you can’t seem to shake.
It keeps coming up for a reason.