Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


How Do We Experience a Happy Life?


Where Does Happiness Come From?

Money does not make you happy. You make you happy.

Relationships do not make you happy. You make you happy.

Job choices do not make you happy. You make you happy.

Weekends off do not make you happy. You make you happy.

It is not the conditions that make you happy. It is YOU. And then the conditions shift to reflect how you feel.

You Are A Product Of The Stories You Tell

You tell the stories of your life and believing that money, relationships, work, the government, your parents or anything else makes you happy or not keeps it out of your control. When in fact YOU make YOU happy and then in your happier state you tell better and better stories about things that are important, and your life begins to reflect this. You are inspired to action that feels good.

Lets explain further. If you believe you NEED something in order to be happy, you’ll always feel like you’re searching, trying, controlling outside events, missing something, not whole, waiting, etc.

There Are Things You Do Want That Are On The Same Vibe As Being Happy

There are things and qualities you do prefer. Knowing that YOU make YOU happy does not mean that you tolerate anything and everything  and everyone. What it means is that you don’t need to control people, things or circumstances to feel better. It means you allow yourself to feel good and then allow the people, things and circumstances to come or leave in response to how you feel. If you feel good, only things, people and circumstances that match that are going to be in your personal world. You have to be willing to let the natural order of things flow. You have to set a dominant intention to feel really good and trust that is what is happening. This means people, things and circumstances may shift. Sometimes you get a different version of someone and sometimes they move right out of your life, same with circumstances and things. You have to be willing to allow and trust and be happy. Soften your grip on things and trust.

Focus On Your Inner World

Most people respond to what is and what is outside of them which creates a very mixed bag of emotions. This brings and keeps things you both want and don’t. Anything you give your attention to becomes part of your experience.

So, you have to deliberately choose your mood. You have to deliberately choose what you focus on.

You have to become aware of beliefs that keep you from being your naturally joyful self. These beliefs are conditions you have decided are necessary in order to feel good when in fact happiness is your natural state. Let yourself acknowledge what you NOW want and let that be okay.

Relax more. Breathe more. Laugh more. Go where the sun shines more. Trust yourself more. Trust your inner self more. Loosen your grip. Allow what is a match to your joyful self stay and let the rest go. In other words, distract yourself when you feel negative emotion coming up and allow yourself to go back to a state of allowing, your natural state.

Living your dream life is simple, but it is not always easy. Its fun, but requires focus. Its all about you, but you have to get out your own head. Let go of doing and thinking the things you do that are preventing your natural state of allowing. Reach for a better thought and distract yourself as often as you need to. In time you will spend a majority of your life in a state of joy, happiness and allowing all of your dreams to come true.





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