Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Authentic Desire

Emotional blueprints

Authentic desire… what do you REALLY want?

When I’m living life passionately and happily it’s because what I’m doing is a match to what I REALLY want.

And when I feel that responsibility or obligation or supposed to or no way that could be real for me…I lose that big energy.

Why? Why do we do things we aren’t passionately wanting? Why do we accept a less than happy us? Why do we ignore our truth?

Well…what do you fear would happen if you listened to and followed your authentic self? If your heart and mind were on the same page?

Do you believe you’re tapping into your greatest potential?

Unfortunately, many of us don’t believe we have a choice to live a life that is any better than the one we are living.

We fear what would happen if we were honest with our authentic desire?

If you haven’t experienced better, it can be a challenge to believe it’s possible.

To connect to what you truly want, you must open yourself up to the idea that anything is possible…because it is.

We have to be willing to own what we fear might happen when we follow authentic desire, look at it, and feel it.

To weigh the fear of the unknown against the weight of living what doesn’t suit us.

When your heart’s not in what you have or what you do…you’re not going to live the passionate, fulfilling life you inherently deserve.

Most of the pain and negative emotion we carry and attempt to not feel (using food, alcohol, TV, sex, excessive time on social media, shopping, over-working, complaining, criticizing, judging, controlling, doing nothing, or always staying busy, etc.) is from the desires we have disregarded for so long or have forbidden to arise at all.

What if you let yourself feel instead of numbing it? What if you owned what you want? What if you could have it?

What would you hear?

Take a minute to ask yourself these questions.

You can’t desire something that isn’t possible for you. It’s an authentic desire in you for you.

But you can hold yourself apart from it using limits, excuses, habits, and self-created bullshit.

It takes courage, strength, honesty, and self-reflection to live the life you truly want.

But honestly…is there really any other way?

There shouldn’t be. This is your life…

Live it exactly as you want it.

Give yourself permission.

And that passion will fuel you to make it real.

There’s nothing better than an authentic life…

That is a successful life.

And a happy you is the start.

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