Create your life in all aspects.
I want to drink coffee, talk to people, and make my own schedule around my life.
That was a statement I made.
Today that’s what I do.
I want to spend as much time at the gym as I want and not have it interfere with my work.
Today that’s what I do.
I want to work with people who really want to live authentically, happily, and successfully on their terms…and I want to make it as enjoyable and simple as possible.
Today that’s what I do.
I want to work with people at a professional and also personal level so they can make real, lasting, authentic changes. I want them to feel comfortable enough to be real.
Today that’s what I do.
I want to utilize my most natural skills and make a difference and money by being me and expanding me.
Today that’s what I do.
I never want to stop learning and growing and using that to help others do the same.
Today that’s what I do.
These were intentions I had for work.
Today this is what I do.
I had to move through the beliefs that said no, you can’t do that, you have to compromise, you can’t love everything about work, you can’t have that balance, something has to be prioritized, you can’t be that specific about who you work with, and so many other beliefs.
Truth is…you can.
You don’t have to give something up, you can decide what you want, what inspires you, what you know will bring value to others, and you can make your living that way.
You can take the work you’re doing now and reignite your passion and enthusiasm for it.
Expand it, appreciate it, use it to amplify parts of yourself.
Work takes up a significant portion of our lives, that time should and can feel as good or better than anything else you do.
And why wouldn’t you want it to?