Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


5 Things To Let Go Of In Order To Feel And Be Free


If you want to feel truly free, you have to free yourself from negative emotion. Think about it. When have you felt the most free? Did you feel good or bad during that time? Were you having fun? What were you doing and thinking and feeling? Once you feel free, you will be free. Everything you have ever wanted that you believe will allow freedom will come into your experience.

5 things to let go of in order to feel and be free.

1. Judgement

This means judgement of yourself and of other people. Stop judging what they are doing. Stop being critical about what you did or what you think you’re doing now that is wrong. What if everybody is really doing the best they can in this moment?

The minute you stop judging the rightness and wrongness of everything and everyone you will immediately begin feeling relief. Freedom means freedom of thought for you and for everyone else. Stop trying to do their job for them and put all the focus on yourself. You only have to make choices and decisions for yourself and you only CAN think for yourself. You have an inner self, intuition, guidance, whatever you call it, and so do they. Let them do their thing and let yourself do yours. Once you make a decision that feels right to you, don’t judge it, just go with it. Only you know what is best for you.

2. Holding onto anger and grudges

When you hold onto stories that make you angry you can’t ever feel free, not for long at least. Think about it, if YOU are the one that FEELS angry, who is really suffering? Maybe them, but definitely you. You have to make the decision to let go of the story that someone did you wrong, hurt you, upset you, whatever the story may be. This doesn’t mean you didn’t experience it, this is not meant to invalidate you, but it will bring you a sense of freedom. When you don’t tell the stories, either out loud or to yourself, you lose the emotions associated with the events as well. You can begin telling better stories or creating new stories that feel good and come from a place of freedom.

Anger is an emotion we experience when we feel wronged in some way. Learn from it and then choose not to stay there. Ask yourself, what is this anger telling me? It is always guidance from yourself teaching you something you have been believing is not true. For example, if someone talks badly about you behind your back you might be angry because you believe other people might believe it is true and form an opinion about you that isn’t who you really are. What if the message your inner self is trying to tell you is that the only opinion of you that matters is your own. Who you believe yourself to be is all that matters, so make sure YOU have been believing you are wonderful.

Some physical signs that you’re experiencing anger include:

  • clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth
  • headache
  • stomach ache
  • increased and rapid heart rate
  • sweating, especially your palms
  • feeling hot in the neck/face
  • shaking or trembling
  • dizziness

Over time, the effects of holding onto anger or repeated anger outbursts include:

  • headaches
  • digestion problems, such as abdominal pain
  • insomnia
  • increased anxiety
  • depression
  • high blood pressure
  • skin problems, such as eczema
  • heart attack
  • stroke

Let go of those old stories and begin to feel free.

3. Powerlessness

This is probably the most important emotion to move on from in order to feel free. Powerlessness is a feeling that you do not get to create your own life. That you are not in control of how you feel or what comes to you. It is the most contrary belief to who you really are.

You are a powerful creator that creates through thought. What that means is that no one can create for you because no one can think for you. Before, when you didn’t know how powerful you really are, you may have believed otherwise. But, it is time to move on from that and accept that you are POWERFUL. You are here to live your life any way you choose. If you can think it, you can have it. Any contradictory belief to that is wrong and that is why any other belief will cause you to feel powerless. Let go of those old beliefs and accept that you are powerful!

4. Guilt

Guilt is a belief that something you did was wrong. This is such a useless emotion. You feel guilty because you were told you did something wrong, but there is no solution or no way of changing it. It keeps the guilty party feeling horrible with no ability to change the already happened circumstance.

Think about this, in the moment you did what you did, you did it because it was where you were at that moment. If it has something to do with another person, they can choose to move on from it or not. You can choose to make new decisions from now on. But, keeping yourself or someone else in a guilty place with no way of changing the outcome is pure torture and gets you nowhere. Stop feeling guilty right now if you want to feel free.

5. Blame

Blame is an emotion that we use to project a circumstance or event that felt bad onto someone else. Again, useless. Listen up, no one is to blame for your life. You are a powerful creator and it is time to let go of old stories. From where you now stand you understand that you create your own reality. That interaction was on both of you. You may not have known how powerful your thoughts were at the time, but you do now. You get what you think about, so you had a part in whatever it is that you are blaming someone else for. You have to be conscious of the way you think because it is creating your future.

If you find yourself giving someone else credit for how you feel or what happens in your life, stop. You can create your life any way you would like starting right now. You have to believe you are in control of your life in order to have what you really want and to feel completely free. Don’t give up your power to anyone else.


If you let go of what causes these 5 emotions, I promise you will begin feeling free immediately! Let yourself be happy! 



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