Stop Settling
Have You Been Conditioned To Settle?
Have you ever been told your dreams were too big? You should just be happy with what you have because other people in the world would be grateful to be where you are? Even though you weren’t unhappy, you just wanted more.
Have people called you crazy? Obsessed? Unrealistic? Or told you that you just don’t want to have to work hard? Even though that isn’t the case, you just wanted something different than those around you. You merely wanted to drop the struggle.
People Settle. In fact, if you look around, most people settle. Most people settle when it comes to their level of happiness, to their health, to their body composition, to their bank accounts, to their choice of work, to how much fun they let themselves have, they settle when it comes to life experiences, to meeting new people, in relationships and the list goes on.
If you have been surrounded by people who stopped dreaming or people who believe great things are few and far between, there’s a good chance they have rubbed off on you as well. Well meaning or not, when people tell you to accept less than what you really want, RUN! Don’t listen. Don’t agree. Do Not Settle! It is not merely for a few to experience, it is available to everyone, and that includes YOU.
You see, you can have, be or do anything in this life. But if you let society, or well-meaning but misled parents, or advertising, or social media, or anyone else with an agenda dictate what you believe, you are screwed. You will settle for a half-assed life that is not designed for you and your happiness . You may also have learned to believe that you shouldn’t want more than you NEED, because there are others who need it more and for some reason you’ve been taught that they can’t figure it out themselves. This is another form of settling. You deserve outrageous abundance. You deserve all the joy, money, fun, beauty, laughter, etc. that you can possibly let in. There is no shortage of anything, therefore you are not taking something away from someone else when you ask for more. You don’t need to just be happy with what you have and stay there forever, although being happy with what you do have is the first step in allowing more. Everyone has access to the same stream of abundance if they let it in. Your success is never keeping someone else from achieving their own. You can not be less in order to help someone else be more, it does not work that way. And, you can not do the work for someone else. If someone wants a change in their life, they have to do it or it won’t stick.
Be the weirdo! Have everything you want. Achieve the financial goals, be super happy no matter what, decide not to follow pop culture, get that dream body, travel the world, work as little or as much as you’d like, live an exciting life all the time. Be the exception in a world of people who are settling for just okay or for barely enough.