People often use phrases like, I’m not ready, are you sure you’re ready, you might need some time, you need to be alone, you need more practice, I need to know more or understand more, someday I’ll be ready…and a whole host of other phrases that put off feeling good and experiencing the life of their dreams or convince someone else to hold off on theirs instead of experiencing them right NOW.
Now, it is true that sometimes you just need some time with good old number 1. You want to understand who you are, what you want, what you won’t tolerate, and what you want to feel. The thing is, once you begin practicing good-feeling emotions time is no longer a thing. Once you start understanding what drives you, what values you hold, what you want to feel and experience, you no longer need to wait and you no longer need to force either. You can hold the vision of what you want, you can feel what you want to feel, and you can begin directing your thoughts and ultimately your life in that direction.
The amount of time it takes someone to be “ready” is always unique and personal. We can be talking about readiness for a new job, a new relationship, a move, taking a vacation, changing an old habit, starting a positive new habit, etc.
What is important to note, however, is that once you simply decide you want something you are already beginning the process. The time it takes is really about you. Do you commit to making a mindset change, to taking a new action, to looking at something different, to focusing in a new way? Change happens in an instant. It happens once you stop letting excuses, justifications and timing run things. Change happens when you make a decision to change. Timing has nothing to do with anything except how long you decide to remain in a place of not having what you want.
If you took all of your focus and placed it only on what you want, threw in a little faith and let go of how long you think it should take…you could start living your dreams right NOW.
Tips for allowing what you want now:
- Be present. Let go of thinking about what went wrong in the past and focus on where you are now.
- Practice feeling what you want to feel. Don’t allow your emotions to be on auto-pilot, choose them.
- Decide what you want more of in your life. What is it that you do you want? Focus on that, let go of the rest.
- Appreciate. Look around and realize how much is really going well. You have so much to be grateful for.
- See it as it is. Don’t allow fear to swoop in and tell a story that isn’t real. What is the truth?
- As soon as you let go of worrying, you simply don’t have anything to worry about.
- When negative emotion pops up, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself what you’re believing that isn’t true.
- Do as many feel-good things as possible. This could include: listening to your favorite music, talking to your favorite people, exercising, laughing, you get the idea.
- If you think you’re not ready, there may be an old belief behind that. Sometimes we hold beliefs about ourselves that keep us from believing we can have what we want now. Always question what you are believing.
Have fun with this. And remember, you can feel good as soon as you direct your focus towards what you want.