Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.

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Get Anything You Want Using This Simple Yet Effective Strategy!

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Have you ever wanted something but it always seems out of reach? Like you’re always working towards trying to get what you think you need in order to make it happen? But it just doesn’t happen. And now you’re frustrated and ready to give up. Or you really want something but don’t believe it exists?
Well if this sounds familiar, you have inner conflict my friend. Inner conflict results from having rules based on the past that are now in conflict with where you currently are. Another way of saying this is what conditions do you think have to happen in order to get what you’re looking for?
What exactly is inner conflict? Let’s say you want to make more money. In your mind you have decided what product or service you want to create or perform in order to create more money. However, in your mind you think you need to build up your social media fan base in order to get started because that is what other people in your industry have done and you are brand new to the game.
So instead of focusing on delivering your product or service you focus solely on building up your fan base to prove that your message is good enough. Only it isn’t working because in your mind you must not be very good or you too would have more followers. So now your efforts are lacking, you aren’t spending time delivering the product, money is not flowing in, and you think you suck.
All of this could be avoided by thinking “I want to deliver my product or service because it is really great and I am really great, even though I am newer to this.” And while making that your priority you can also begin your social media marketing. You remove the inner conflict and replace the thoughts with “I have a lot to offer and I am excited to get started and eager to learn more.” You could also remind yourself that “everyone was once a beginner” or “I am ready to start and I will correct along the way.”
Another example would be “I really want a great relationship, but there are no good looking, nice and successful men/women out there.” So you want the relationship but you don’t believe the person you want is real. You long for the relationship and only come across more people that don’t match what you want or you come across no one. In order to remove the conflicting thoughts you could think, “I really want a great relationship. I know exactly what I am looking for. He/she has the following qualities…” “I know he/she has to be real because I can think it, so it is” and “we will meet in perfect timing.” You then make it a habit to read the list you have created every day until you start to believe that person is real.

There are literally countless possibilities for what two beliefs inside of you are creating inner conflict. What is important to know though is that if you can’t seem to get to something, it’s just a manner of getting one clear belief and you will have what you want.

At  some point you have to give yourself permission to think differently about yourself and what is possible for you. You are allowed to think differently. You are allowed to believe in yourself. You are allowed to grow and change. You can move to the new desires and beliefs even if you have always done or believed something different.

Removing inner conflict is the second step in getting anything you want. The first step is clearly knowing what it is that you want! If you are unclear about what it is that you want check out my Dream Life Session HERE. This two-hour session will forever change your life and stop you from going in circles over what it is that you really want.

You got this!


If you would like assistance in removing inner conflict, sign up for a FREE 30-minute Coaching session HERE

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