Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Receive What You Want

Our ability to receive is tied to our beliefs.

How much we let in.

How we sabotage.

How long and what we tolerate.


Accepting less than what we want.



Walling off.





These are all behaviors that keep you from receiving what’s actually available for you.

And the only reason you do them is because you don’t believe you deserve better, more, to have it now.

You might think you haven’t worked hard enough, your asking for too much, your standards are too high, you aren’t ready, it’s too much work, you’re being selfish or ungrateful, you’re a burden, not smart enough, you’ve made too many mistakes, it’s not fair to others, only certain people get to have what they really want, you haven’t been given the right opportunities, others are stopping you…

You might believe you’ll lose something or be criticized.

At the core of what we allow ourselves to receive is always limiting beliefs about what we deserve, are capable of, and what we fear we may lose.

Handle these…and watch the levy break.


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