Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Stop Making Excuses

transform your life

It’s time to stop making excuses.

When we make excuses, it’s because we are attempting to protect ourselves 

Think about it.

You want to make more money, you want to get in great shape, you want to change your relationships for the better or be in a new one, you want to show up happier and more confidently, you want a new career or a promotion…

But you don’t do anything about it.

Or we start and gain some momentum only to stop just as the progress happens or right before.

Or we take action but it doesn’t produce the results we’re really after.

So we stop, keep doing what isn’t changing anything, or slow it down and then claim some excuse for why.

I can do it later.

One time won’t hurt.

It’ll be too hard because I’ll lose ____.

I don’t have the time.

I don’t really care if I get that or have that, I’m fine.

It’s not that bad.

I have kids.

They did this to me.

All of these are excuses, and all of these keep us limited. Away from what it is we ACTUALLY want.

it’s time to stop making excuses.

If we acknowledge we are making excuses, look at them, own them, and deal with the uncertainty, fear, lack of purpose & direction we have for ourselves, and see how our excuses are really protecting our current self image…

They lose power and the reasons you want what you want become bigger and more powerful.

What excuses do you make?

What are you settling for?

Are you ready to own what you actually want?

Your happiness, success, and authentic self lie just beyond your excuses.

Beyond the fear.

Beyond the uncertainty.

Beyond your “comfort.”

Stop making excuses and instead focus on reasons why you want what you want and why you can.



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