It’s time to be YOUrself.
It is time to accept yourself.
It is time to love you.
It is time to accept that all is well with you.
It is time to choose what feels best to you.
It is time to know it is right to choose what feels best to you.
It is time to allow yourself to be who you really are.
It is time to let go of the struggle.
It is time enjoy your life and yourself.
It is time to be you.
What would happen if you simply decided to accept yourself?
What if you simply decided to stop fighting who you really are and just be yourself. How would it feel to take off the masks you’ve been wearing and simply be you? What would it feel like to talk like you, move like you, think like you, stop trying to monitor what you say, stop following other people’s rules and values, stop worrying about what other people think about you, to not care what other people are doing or not doing because it is NOT a reflection of you?
You can, and in fact if you want to be truly happy, you must begin to do these things. You are fabulous. You are wonderful. You are valuable. You are unique. You deserve to have, be and do anything and everything you want. You are worthy. You are important.
You see, much negative emotion is a result of believing you are not these things. It is a result of believing things that are untrue about you. It is a result of trying to be someone you are not and living a life that is not what you want (a.k.a. not feeling free). It is a result of wanting things YOU want, but not believing you can have them or that you deserve them.
I am here to tell you that you can have, be or do anything you desire.
What hold us back from being who we really are?
What usually holds us back is other people’s rules about what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and what is not, what is appropriate or inappropriate, it’s believing we have to follow someone else’s value system. It’s the belief that there is what is right and what is wrong. It’s believing there is what we should and shouldn’t do. When in fact, what matters is listening to yourself and deciding what is right for you. People often think they need to justify their beliefs so they tell others they are wrong or try to make others follow their rules because those people “need” their guidance (as if they lack the ability to think for themselves). People then begin believing someone else, or some outside institution that believes they know better than the people do about who they are and what they should be doing.
No matter where your beliefs came from, any belief that says you can not or should not be yourself is plain wrong. We are not to be carbon copies of each other. You are not a sheep, you are a powerful creator. You do not have to follow some general rules set forth by someone you don’t even know, or even someone you do.
You are at your core a happy, joyful, loving person. When given the freedom (by yourself) to be who you are, you will thrive. Most crime, assault, and violence stems from a belief that people are not free and need to force or fight their way into being who they are and feeling good.
What can you do to begin living your life as you really are?
Begin by listening to your own mind. Question your beliefs and decide whether you really want to believe those things.
Start doing things that feel really good when you do them.
Spend time with people who get you.
Learn about your personal values.
Listen to your inner voice.
Be kind to yourself.
Pay attention to the rules you have for yourself and ask yourself if they make sense.
Remind yourself that no one else has to live by your rules for you to.
Be okay with being a weirdo .
Remember that you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.
Remind yourself that you are FREE to be anything and do anything you wish.
What you do or have or believe does not have anything to do with what someone else does or has or believes. We are all creators and we can all master personal responsibility.
Have fun with this and keep being YOU! If you would like help moving into a more free-feeling place you can request an introductory coaching session with me by clicking here.