You’re allowed to feel good no matter what conditions are present.
You can feel good no matter what your current conditions may be. Whether you have conditions you want to continue, or conditions you would like to change, you can feel good right now. Why is this so important? Because you will have a difficult time changing your current conditions or even knowing what you want from a place of negative emotion or simply looking only at your current conditions. When you feel negative emotion, it is an indicator that you have a desire for an improved condition but a belief that is in opposition to it. You are meant to feel it, take note of what you would like to change or happen or have, then take new ACTION.
There is no condition that warrants continuously feeling bad.
No condition warrants you continually feeling bad. You don’t feel bad because the condition is so bad that you should…you feel bad because of the story you’re telling about it and because you haven’t decided to focus on what you now want. Well, if you keep focusing on that what ISN’T working, the negative emotion simply gets stronger and stronger and nothing changes. The best way to avoid this is to get ahead of it in the first place, to understand what negative emotion really means and to re-focus and take new action once you feel the negative emotion.
But what if it already has momentum?
While it is good to know what to do moving forward, how do you deal with negative emotion that already has momentum? Get into problem SOLVING mode.
- See it as it is, but not worse than it is.
- Now, see it BETTER than it is. What do you WANT.
- Now make it the way you see it.
Power of choice.
No matter what has happened in our lives we always have one power that can change everything; the power of choice. We can choose what we focus on, what meaning we give to things, and what path we take. It is these choices, not our conditions that determine the quality of our lives.
When conditions are unfavorable you can choose how it will impact you life. How are you going to turn it around? Will you let it overwhelm you or transform you? It’s all in your decision.
Positive thinking + action
In order for something to change you have to get out of your own head. You can not just think to yourself, it isn’t there, it isn’t happening, it isn’t happening. You must first SEE IT AS IT IS, but not WORSE than it is. Accept it. Then you must SEE it better than it is. What do you want it to look like. Then make it that way. Take the action.
In order to thrive in any situation you must have psychological strength. You already have this inside of you, you just have to allow it and utilize the power of your own focus. This is what allows you to thrive in any condition instead of allowing the environment control you. Master the strength inside of yourself and nothing can stop you.
Throw away your old stories and old blueprints. Decide now how you want to live your life. Create your own standard for yourself and commit to it.