Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Design Your Life

Emotional blueprints

You can design your life.

It’s Friday.

I don’t typically coach on Fridays because that’s how I like to do things.

And though it took some figuring out, that’s what I do.

Sometimes I coach, but only when I decide to.

I like how I feel after 3 days “off.”

Though I love those days working in a very different way.

I’m so excited for Monday.

It’s actually my favorite day of the week.

Right now music is playing, every window has sun shining through it, my house is clean, I’m ready, errands are mostly done, and I’m sitting here with coffee.

Why am I telling you this?

Because the way I set my days, my weeks, my work, my running around, my chill time, what I tend to daily, weekly…

They are all strategic.

You can design your life.

I know exactly what sets me up for success, happiness, to be the best me for me and everyone I come in contact with.

My life is by design.

Everything is a reflection of my personal wants, goals, standards, likes, personality…

I figured out what I wanted my life to look like, how my days are, how much time I spend doing things, who and where my focus goes and when…all across the board.

This is how life is genuinely supposed to be.

Not full of obligations, things we hate, running ourselves ragged, not taking care of ourselves, in situations or relationships that don’t feel good, having conversations that deplete us, holding back, doing what we’re “supposed” to do only to have some time to look forward to, dreading, not loving work and everything in between.

That’s not it…well it doesn’t have to be it…not for you. 

Sure as hell not for me…no thank you.

I want a life that’s fun. That reflects back to me who I am and what I love.

And I am not afraid to do the work to make any of it my reality.

Because it’s worth it…

Who are you? What would life look like if you could choose? What would you do? Who would you be with? What influence would you have?

How would you design your life?

Let’s do that❤️



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