Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Take Control of Your Mind, Emotions, and Life to Be Happy, Authentic, & Wildly Successful.


Are Excuses Running Your Life?


Are Excuses Running Your Life?

Excuses can run and ruin your life if you let them.

Do you have a hard time taking action on things that you know are good for you? Have you talked yourself out of action that will improve your business, your health, your quality of life, your relationships? Are you always seeking more information before you can get started? Are you waiting to live your life? You convince yourself you don’t have the time, the resources, the money, the help, or you have too many obligations. And every day you say tomorrow or when the conditions change….

Letting excuses run your life will leave you looking back wondering where your life went. You feel like you’re in a constant state of waiting for something to change, when that something is actually YOU.

Excuses Are An Indicator That You’re Living In FEAR.

Our minds have a tricky way of making up all kinds of excuses that keep us stuck where we are. Tolerating. Waiting. Not taking new action, not getting out into the world, not really living. Or believing others need us, so we can’t leave them to figure it out themselves.


Excuses are Bulls**t.

Excuses are anything that limit us, keep us from taking meaningful action, keep us taking harmful action, or anything that we believe is the reason for why things are the way they are and can’t change. You can use all kinds of things as your excuse: time, money, genetics, lack of resources, where you live, who your parents are or aren’t, that you have kids, that you don’t have kids, you get up early, you didn’t go to college, you were sick, you’re too old, you’re too young, you don’t have support, you don’t know what to do, someone else is already doing it and the list goes on and on.

The truth is that you don’t need more resources, you need to become  resourceful. You don’t need more information, you need to use what you already know. You can start that business, you can take better care of your health, you can do it alone, you can change, you can do it. I know you have seen other people living the way you want to. Don’t assume other people have it easier than you, they just made a decision and lined up with it. And don’t believe you can’t move forward because people need you as you are. Both are excuses.

You Become The People You Spend The Most Time With.

Even if you have always been someone who takes action, if you spend time with people who make a lot of excuses, it will rub off on you. Make sure you spend time with people who are living the way you want to live. If you want to be healthier, spend time with people on that journey. You want to start a business, spend time with people who have done so. If you are sick of negative people, don’t answer the phone when they call and don’t be negative when you talk to other people. You don’t like someone, don’t talk to them. If you hate your job, do something else. If you’re broke, change your mindset about money.

Excuses are bullshit. Don’t believe them coming from yourself, and don’t believe them coming from someone else. If something is important, make the way. You have everything you need right now to get started. They do too. And as you get going anything else you need to know or learn, you’ll figure it out along the way. Staying stagnant is much more difficult that taking the action you know will bring you the result you’re looking for.

So check yourself. Start catching the excuses you make for yourself and for others. There are no excuses good enough to keep you from living your dream life. You can have, be, and do anything!




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