There are styles of thinking that help you, and styles of thought that sabotage you. If your relationships, work, or life in general continues to be sabotaged, this could …
Why You Are Stuck and How to Move Forward
Have you ever wanted to do something, or not do something, but you felt stuck? Like you just couldn’t take action? Like something is stuck between your desire and your …
End Your Weight Loss Struggle For Good!
Why can’t I lose weight? It’s because you don’t have the mentality of someone who weighs less or who is fit and healthy. Let me ask you something. Do you …
Why We Think Our Beliefs Are The Right Ones
Why do we believe our beliefs are the right ones? Beliefs are created through experience. Every single person has a unique life experience. Some groups, families, friends, or cultures have similar …
Negative Emotion Part 2
Negative emotion can make you believe things are worse than they are. It can give you the flawed perspective that things are terrible. It can lead you to believe all …
Negative Emotion-Stop Living Your Life in it
What is the deal with negative emotion? Negative emotion is feedback from yourself, to yourself, that what you are thinking is in opposition to what you really want. What …
Power Emotions
According to Tony Robbins there are 10 power emotions. These are the emotions that will help you feel better immediately. If you want an amazing quality of life make …

Welcome to! This website is dedicated to all that is personal development. You will find content regarding mind and body and processes to change both! I am a life …